[IND] Menyebrangi Yordan

(Read the ENG Version here.) Kita semua memiliki sungai Yordan kita masing-masing yang perlu diseberangi. Apa yang menjadi Yordanmu hari ini? Apakah itu sakit-penyakit, pergumulan keluarga, kecacatan, pergumulan keuangan atau bahkan intimidasi dan godaan si jahat yang membelenggu hidupmu dalam dosa? (image courtesy : pastorsponderings.org)

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[ENG/IND] Where is your faith? / Dimanakah imanmu?


[ENG] Faith is trusting that we have received God’s promises even when it’s not happening yet. Faith is trusting God’s love – not just what He can do but more of His heart to us. Faith is to see beyond what our eyes could see.

Let’s start our new year with a renewed faith by God’s grace.

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