IMG_0314Memasuki masa pasca melahirkan dan menyusui, biasanya para ibu mulai dihadapkan dengan berat badan yang masih belum berkurang! Kegalauan yang umum adalah ingin diet tapi masih menyusui, takutnya malah mengurangi asi. Nah saya mau share tips diet saat menyusui yang tidak akan mengurangi atau mempengaruhi lemak asi yang disampaikan oleh dr. Grace Judio (Weigh Control Consultant)

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[ENG/IND] Eczema Food Allergies / Makanan Pemicu Alergi (Eksim)

[ENG] Following an elimination diet could be so confusing sometimes. Looking for a “proper” foods to eat is quite a challenge. So, these are some key points to make things easier.

Below are the foods that we should avoid because they cause food allergies leading to eczema. When we eliminate these foods, it decreases our allergies stimulus and so does eczema.

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[ENG/IND] Timing of Eating for Eczema / Pola Makan Untuk Eksim

[ENG] Our body seems to have 3 metabolic periods which cycle every 24 hours. Eating in compliance with these three metabolic periods will afford more efficient digestion, assimilation, cleansing and maintenance of the cells and therefore proper healing can occur.

Here’s how I’ve learned to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner so that what I eat honors the function of the metabolic periods.

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[ENG/IND] Why Diet For Eczema? / Kenapa Diet untuk Eksim?

[ENG] People often ask me, do we really need to do the diet and what is the connection between diet and eczema? And today i will try to explain it based on my experience in healing my eczema through elimination diet. I will also share about my elimination diet once more time here – in case you haven’t got the idea about the elimination diet. (Contact me personally by email or comment below to get my free E-book).

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[IND] Antara Makanan dan Kulit (Review : Gorry Gourmet)

FullSizeRender (8)[IND] Sabtu pagi, 30 April 2016 dibuka dengan kesegaran dan keseruan yang menyehatkan bersama Kiranti Yoga In The Air dan Gorry Gourmet. What a fun closing of the month!

Pengalaman dengan eksim membuat Saya begitu sadar akan pentingnya kesehatan melalui makanan dan olahraga. What you eat is what you are, begitulah kira-kira moto yang Saya pegang selama menjalani Elimination Diet / Diet Eliminasi.

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